LisaRose, "They keep coming..."
They need a good shock like you showing them Apostate books and suggesting they read it. That might do better than a letter.they'll simply toss.
just curious about others experience.
i've been living just a few miles from a kingdom hall for 9 years.
i've been called on 0 times.
LisaRose, "They keep coming..."
They need a good shock like you showing them Apostate books and suggesting they read it. That might do better than a letter.they'll simply toss.
so, here's a bit of a different point of view.
while most of us will agree that our time within the jw cult was rather terrible, however, i'd like to look at another aspect.
did anything good come out of being in a cult and then waking up from it?.
Phizzy, "Nearly 100% of the Public detect the JW Bullshit."
Although a substantial part of that 100% have their own bullshit that they can't smell/detect.
so, here's a bit of a different point of view.
while most of us will agree that our time within the jw cult was rather terrible, however, i'd like to look at another aspect.
did anything good come out of being in a cult and then waking up from it?.
stemming from the 'absentheism' thread, an old question came to my mind.
what exactly is "belief"?.
is it the same to ask: "do you believe in god?
Eden One, "If I desire to win the lottery tomorrow, does that make me a believer?"
Of course it does. Not necessarily a rational believer.
And funny you mentioned the lottery, I've been getting discarded scratcher tickets out of the store trash and registering their second chance code in in the belief that I may get a prize without spending a dime. People throw away their losing tickets and are too lazy to enter their second chance opportunity.
I won $100 yesterday after 15 days of trash mining from a winning ticket that wasn't read right and discarded.
Belief isn't always rational but it's self reinforcing. Now if you'll excuse me I've got some free lotto tickets to scratch.
stemming from the 'absentheism' thread, an old question came to my mind.
what exactly is "belief"?.
is it the same to ask: "do you believe in god?
What is BELIEF ?
Intellectual desire.
i have always been a very rational and thoughtful person.
there where always questions i had growing up regarding things i was taught.
of course asking questions while being a jw is a big no no!
Why are we not allowed to have beards?
I was told that beards were not allowed because the Witnesses had to abide by community norms about beards. They ignored the fact that most 'worldly' people had nothing against beards.
I once checked out a Sears catalogue and found that one of its male models had a beard. Needless to say, Sears reflected the norms of the people they were trying to sell to.
Why no tattoos is mosaic law is over?
They'll try to make an exception for this Mosaic law but they won't have an answer when you bring up the law about Israelites not cutting the sides of their face.
If god is love, why does he allow so much suffering? From what I remember their main answer was that it started in Eden when Satan challenged Gods right to rule. However, I refuse to believe that a God of Love would let billions thru history suffer and die just to prove a point!
They give the typical Evangelical answer. As you stated, God has to allow such suffering in order to prove a point. And the point he's trying to prove is that he loves enough to allow Jesus' suffering and death to somehow save us from eternal suffering!
Why no birthdays? (their explanations are super shaky)
Because when birthdays are mentioned in the Bible something bad happens. Yes it is a shaky explanation. If evil people in the Bible were to wear purple garments the same logic would indicate that purple clothing is prohibited in the Bible.
Is earth is 6k years old, whats up with Dinosaurs? Cavemen?
They actually believe, or once believed, that each creative day was 7,000 years long. Since we're into the 6,000 year time period of the last day that means that creation is 48,000 years long.
However, for the existence of the Earth itself, presumably as a lifeless rock, they went along with the scientific consensus that the Earth was over 4 billion years old. They separated Genesis 1:1 from verse 2 saying that only verse 2 applied to the creation days not verse 1.
I had many more, these are just some that come to mind
Keep those questions coming.
i found this on yahoo news... while it doesn`t raise an important question... it raises an interesting question... .
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i've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
i'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
Vidiot, "...the Dominionist wingnuts..."
This is a document on the subject of Dominionists. Long but informative.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.